Registration for Climate research in the polar landscape is now closed, but Geology at School is still open until 5th January 2020!

Together with Nord University, we have set up two teacher training courses for 2020: «Climate research in the polar landscape» and «Geology at school», starting up in February 2020.

Nordic ESERO is the one who conducts the courses, but registration is completed through Nord University. If you have questions regarding registration, please contact Dag Arild Berg at Nord university. Questions related to the course content, contact Nordic ESERO.

Course: Geology at school (NA138L)

Every stone you step on tells the story of our planet. Geology is the key to understand the landscape and to explore the climate history. This course focuses on topics like the landscape formation around us, the search for evidences about sea level changes and ice ages, interpretation of land forms and soils, classification of rocks. Satellite observations are also introduced since they are a great tool for providing geological information and to complement the on-site fieldwork.

This course aims to serve as inspiration on geology and get confidence with field work by exploring selected places in Andøya. This island is unique from the geological perspective. From the whole Scandinavia, it is the only place where we can find areas that were not covered by ice during the last ice age. The main objective is to provide the tools, activities and motivation to implement this theme and experience back in the local classroom.

The field work emphasizes in practical activities, and in how to combine satellite images with on-site fieldwork. The overall idea is to focus on reflections about how the knowledge of these processes can be transferred to the own home environment, and into gaining confidence enough to carry out more field based education in the school.

Course: Climate research in the polar landscape (NA129L)

Climate change is currently one of the most relevant issues. Its consequences are accelerating. Society, especially the next generations, needs to be informed and ready to understand the importance of our actions to the planet. Several curricula are increasing the time devoted to this topic.

This course aims to serve as inspiration on climate and climate change, exploring the consequences in one of the regions in the Arctic more sensitive to these changes. The objective is to provide the tools, activities and motivation to implement this theme back in the local classroom.

The topics of the course are: changes in Arctic weather and climate, permafrost, ocean currents, sea ice, glaciers, landforms and landscapes. The overall idea is to focus on reflections about how the knowledge of these processes can be transferred to the own home environment, and into gaining confidence enough to carry out more field based education in the school.

Kategorier: Kurs

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